Public and Moderately Sensitive Data Storage


/home is a free 50GB space provided to users of the HPC system and is visible from the login and compute nodes. /home is the default working directory when logging on to UVA HPC. Users can also access their home directory at /home/$USER, where $USER is an individual’s UVa computing ID.


/scratch is a Lustre high performance parallel filesystem accessible via the login and compute nodes.

UVA HPC's scratch file system has a limit of 10TB per user. This policy is in place to guarantee the stability and performance of the scratch file system. Scratch is intended as a temporary work directory. It is not backed up and files that have not been accessed for more than 90 days are marked for deletion. Users are encouraged to back up their important data. Home directories and leased storage are not subject to this policy.

How to request /home and /scratch space

/home and /scratch space can be obtained by requesting an allocation on UVA HPC. The process of getting access to Rivanna is described here.

Research Project Storage

The Research Project Storage file system provides users with a collaborative space for data storage and sharing. Members in the same group have access to a shared directory created by the team lead or PI. Group membership can be defined and managed through the Grouper (requires VPN connection). /project storage is mounted on the HPC cluster and runs on a new scale-out NAS file system.

How to request /project storage space

/project storage can be purchased for $60
/TB/YR by using this form. When filling out the form, the PI can specify the size of the /project directory and the name of an existing or new Grouper group that can access this space. We recommend choosing a Grouper group name specific to your group or collaboration for the /project directory. This will reduce confusion in the future if you manage multiple Grouper groups and directories on other storage systems.

Once the request has been submitted, the PI will receive a notification that the /project space has been provisioned within 24 hours. Once the space becomes available, the PI can grant access to lab members by adding them to the Grouper group. Users in the Grouper group will see the directory (/project/Grouper_group_name) after logging into UVA HPC. Addition and removal of users is managed by the PI of the group.

For new groups, specify "This group will be used for Rivanna/Afton access" in the description section of the Service Now request form to expedite group creation. You will need to add yourself as a member to the group in order for us to fulfill any allocation request related to this group.

Public & Moderately Sensitive Data Storage Systems

/home, /scratch, and /project storage are based on a Linux file system. Users can invoke generic Linux commands to manage files and directories (mv, cp, mkdir), manage permissions (chmod, chown) and navigate the file system (cd, ls, pwd). If you or your collaborators are unfamiliar with some of these commands, we encourage you to take time to review some of the material below: