TensorFlow is an open source software library for high performance numerical computation. It has become a very popular tool for machine learning and in particular for the creation of deep neural networks. The latest TensorFlow versions are now provided as prebuilt Apptainer containers on the HPC system. The basic concept of running Apptainer containers on the HPC system is described here.
TensorFlow code is provided in two flavors, either with or without support of general purpose graphics processing units (GPUs). All TensorFlow container images provided on the HPC system require access to a GPU node. Access to GPU nodes is detailed in the sections below.
TensorFlow and Keras
Keras is a high-level neural networks application programming interface (API), written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano. Since version 1.12.0, TensorFlow contains its own Keras API implementation as described on the TensorFlow website.
What is inside the TensorFlow containers?
The TensorFlow modules on the HPC system include common Python packages such as Matplotlib and OpenCV. See https://hub.docker.com/r/uvarc/tensorflow for details.
TensorFlow Jupyter Notebooks
Jupyter Notebooks can be used for interactive code development and execution of Python scripts and several other codes. A few TensorFlow kernels are available.
Accessing the JupyterLab Portal
- Open a web browser and go to URL: https://ood.hpc.virginia.edu
- Use your
credentials to log in.
- On the top right of the menu bar of the Open OnDemand dashboard, click on “Interactive Apps”.
- In the drop-down box, click on
Requesting access to a GPU node
To start a JupyterLab session, fill out the resource request webform. To request access to a GPU, verify the correct selection for the following parameters:
- Under Rivanna Partition, choose “GPU”.
- Under Optional GPU Type, choose a GPU type or leave it as “default” (first available).
- Click
to start the session.
Review our Jupyter Lab documentation for more details..
Editing and Running the Notebook
Once the JupyterLab instance has started, you can edit and run your notebook as described here.
TensorFlow Slurm jobs
Apptainer can make use of the local NVIDIA drivers installed on a host equipped with a GPU device. The Slurm script needs to include the #SBATCH -p gpu
and #SBATCH --gres=gpu
directives in order to request access to a GPU node and its GPU device. Please visit the Jobs Using a GPU section for details.
To run commands in an GPU-enabled container image, load the apptainer module and add the --nv
flag when executing the apptainer run or apptainer exec commands.
For example:
module load apptainer tensorflow/2.10.0
apptainer run --nv $CONTAINERDIR/tensorflow-2.10.0.sif tf_example.py
In the container build script, python
is defined as the default command to be executed and Apptainer passes the argument(s) after the image name, i.e. tf_example.py
, to the Python interpreter. So the above apptainer command is equivalent to
apptainer exec --nv $CONTAINERDIR/tensorflow-2.10.0.sif python tf_example.py
The TensorFlow container images were built to include CUDA and cuDNN libraries that are required by TensorFlow. Since these libraries are provided within each container, we do not need to load the CUDA/cuDNN libraries available on the host.
Example Slurm Script:
#SBATCH -A mygroup
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH -c 1
#SBATCH -t 01:00:00
#SBATCH -J tftest
#SBATCH -o tftest-%A.out
#SBATCH -e tftest-%A.err
module purge
module load apptainer tensorflow/2.13.0
apptainer run --nv $CONTAINERDIR/tensorflow-2.13.0.sif tf_example.py
TensorFlow Interactive Jobs (ijob)
Start an ijob. Note the addition of -p gpu --gres=gpu
to request access to a GPU node and its GPU device.
ijob -A mygroup -p gpu --gres=gpu -c 1
Console output"
salloc: Pending job allocation 12345
salloc: job 12345 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 12345 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 12345
Now you can load the apptainer
module and execute commands provided by the container. For example:
module purge
module load apptainer tensorflow/2.13.0
apptainer run --nv $CONTAINERDIR/tensorflow-2.13.0.sif tf_example.py
Interaction with the Host File System
The following user directories are overlayed onto each container by default on the HPC system:
- /home
- /scratch
- /nv
- /project
Due to the overlay, these directories are by default the same inside and outside the container with the same read, write, and execute permissions. This means that file modifications in these directories (e.g. in /home
) via processes running inside the container are persistent even after the container instance exits. The /nv
and /project
directories refer to leased storage locations that may not be available to all users.
Request a Desktop session under Interactive Apps via Open OnDemand. Fill out the form to submit the Slurm job. Launch the session and open a terminal in the desktop. Enter these commands:
$ module load apptainer tensorflow/2.13.0
$ apptainer shell --nv $CONTAINERDIR/tensorflow-2.13.0.sif
Apptainer> python -m tensorboard.main --logdir=logdir
Open the resulting URL (of the form http://localhost:xxxx/
) in Firefox.
Can I install my own TensorFlow (that works on a GPU)?
Yes, you may either pull the official TensorFlow Docker image or create your own environment. We shall use TensorFlow 1.14 as an example.
Go to https://hub.docker.com/r/tensorflow/tensorflow/tags and search for the desired version. Use the -gpu
Note the provided pull command (docker pull tensorflow/tensorflow:1.14.0-gpu
) and change it into Apptainer. The differences are underlined by ^
apptainer pull docker://tensorflow/tensorflow:1.14.0-gpu
^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
You will find the Apptainer image tensorflow_1.14.0-gpu.sif
in your current directory. Consult the instructions in the previous sections. Remember to replace $CONTAINERDIR/tensorflow-2.13.0.sif
with the actual path to your own Apptainer image.
Conda environment
The Python/CUDA/TensorFlow versions have to be very specific.
For your target TF version, look up the supported Python and CUDA versions here. Using 1.14.0 as an example, we find that it is supported by:
- Python 2.7, 3.3-3.7
- CUDA 10.0
- cuDNN 7.4
Check that the CUDA version is supported on the HPC cluster:
Check cuDNN availability on https://anaconda.org. The closest match is 7.3 in the anaconda
Load the Anaconda module and create the environment with specific versions.
module load anaconda
conda create -n tf1.14 python=3.7 cudatoolkit=10.0 cudnn=7.3 tensorflow-gpu=1.14 -c anaconda -c conda-forge
If the versions are incompatible, either the installation will fail or TF will not be able to detect the GPU at runtime.