
  • `ssh` on UVA HPC

    The secure shell ssh is the primary application used to access the HPC system from the command line.
    Connecting to a Remote Host For Windows, MobaXterm is our recommended ssh client; this package also provides an SFTP client and an X11 server in one bundle.
    Mac OSX and Linux users access the cluster from a terminal through OpenSSH, which are preinstalled on these operating systems. Open a terminal (on OSX, the Terminal application) and type
    ssh -Y mst3k@login.hpc.virginia.edu where mst3k should be replaced by your user ID. You will generally need to use this format unless you set up your user account on your Mac or Linux system with your UVA ID.

  • Logging in to the UVA HPC systems

    The UVA HPC systems (Rivanna and Afton) are accessible through a web portal, secure shell terminals, or a remote desktop environment. For of all of these access points, your login is your UVA computing ID and your password is your Eservices password. If you do not know your Eservices password you must change it through ITS.
    Off Campus? Connecting to Rivanna and Afton HPC systems from off Grounds via Secure Shell Access (SSH) or FastX requires a VPN connection. We recommend using the UVA More Secure Network if available. The UVA Anywhere VPN can be used if the UVA More Secure Network is not available.

  • MobaXterm

    MobaXterm is the recommended login tool for Windows users. It bundles a tabbed ssh client, a graphical drag-and-drop sftp client, and an X11 window server for Windows, all in one easy-to-use package. Some other tools included are a simple text editor with syntax coloring and several useful Unix utlities such as cd, ls, grep, and others, so that you can run a lightweight Linux environment on your local machine as well as use it to log in to a remote system.
    Download To download MobaXterm, click the link below. Select the “Home” version, “Installer” edition,
    Download MobaXterm
    Run the installer as directed.