
  • Rivanna Storage

    There are a variety of options for storing large-scale research data at UVa. Public and Internal Use data storage systems can be accessed from the Rivanna and Afton high performance computing systems.
    .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;border-color:#ccc;} .tg td{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:0px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;border-color:#ccc;color:#333;background-color:#fff;} .tg th{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:normal;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:0px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;border-color:#ccc;color:#333;background-color:#f0f0f0;} .tg .tg-hy9w{background-color:#eceeef;border-color:inherit;vertical-align:top} .tg .tg-dc35{background-color:#f9f9f9;border-color:inherit;vertical-align:top} .tg .tg-0qmj{font-weight:bold;background-color:#eceeef;border-color:inherit;vertical-align:top} Storage Directories Name Quota Price Data Protection Accessible from Best Practices /home 50GB Free 1-week snapshots Rivanna/Afton /home is best used as a working directory when using Rivanna/Afton interactively. Slurm jobs run against /home will be slower than those run against /scratch. The /home directory is a personal storage space that is not shareable with other users.

  • Research Data Storage

    $(document).ready(function() { $("#status-message").hide(); updateStatusMessages(); setInterval(checkStatusMessages, 6000); }); function updateStatusMessages() { $.getJSON(‘https://tja4lfp3da.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/api/messages' , function(data) { var messageData = ‘'; $.each(data, function(key, value) { var converter = Markdown.getSanitizingConverter(); var timestamp = value.body.substr(0,19); var messageBody = value.body.substring(timestamp.length+1).replace("<br>", "
    “); var messageLength = messageBody.length; if ( messageLength = millisPerDay) { var datestr = now.toDateString(); } else { var datestr = post_date.toDateString(); } msg = “[” + datestr + “] “+ msg; } } $('#status-message-'+keywords[j]).html(converter.makeHtml(msg)); } }); }); }; There are a variety of options for storing research data at UVA. Public and internal use data storage systems can be accessed from the Rivanna and Afton high performance computing systems.