
  • Computing Systems

    UVA Research Computing can help you find the right system for your computational workloads. From supercomputers to HIPAA secure systems to cloud-based deployments with advanced infrastructure, various systems are available to researchers.
    Facilities Statement - Are you submitting a grant proposal and need standard information about UVA research computing environments? Get it here. High Performance Computing - Rivanna and Afton A traditional high performance cluster with a resource manager, a large file system, modules, and MPI processing. Get Started with UVA HPC Secure High Performance Computing - Rio A high performance cluster designed to process and store secure data accessed via ivy dedicated virtual machines.

  • Cloud Solutions

    // Run your Cloud computing is ideal for running flexible, scalable applications on demand, in periodic bursts, or for fixed periods of time. UVA Research Computing works alongside researchers to design and run research applications and datasets into Amazon Web Services, the leader among public cloud vendors. This means that server, storage, and database needs do not have to be estimated or purchased beforehand – they can be scaled larger and smaller with your needs, or programmed to scale dynamically with your application.
    Service Oriented Architecture A key advantage of the cloud is that for many services you do not need to build or maintain the servers that support the service – you simply use it.

  • Cloud Storage Solutions

    Amazon Web Services Tiered object storage Amazon S3 and Glacier offer cloud-based, affordable, unlimited capacity for storage from anywhere. Advanced features include scalability, lifecycle management, encryption, and sharing. S3 is ideal for static files that need to be retrieved from any location (PDFs, images, video, etc.). Glacier is archival storage, perfect for grant compliance that requires data retention. How RC can help: Lower pricing - UVA has an Internet2 discount available for educational use. Contact us to create an account for you or your research project. Cost estimates - Cloud storage is not free. Consideration should be made to the size of your files and how often they will be retrieved.
  • Courses

    In addition to providing free, in-person workshop training, UVA Research Computing staff teach for-credit courses. Below is a selection of courses that members of our group have taught, co-taught or provided guest lectures:
    BIMS 8382: Introduction to Biomedical Data Science Spring 2017, Spring 2018
    This course introduces methods, tools, and software for reproducibly managing, manipulating, analyzing, and visualizing large-scale biomedical data. Specifically, the course introduces the R statistical computing environment and packages for manipulating and visualizing high-dimensional data, covers strategies for reproducible research, and culminates with analysis of data from a real RNA-seq experiment using R and Bioconductor packages.
    CS 6501: Distributed & Cloud Computing Spring 2017, Spring 2018

  • Transfer Files Using Amazon S3

    Setup You will need to install and configure the awscli package in order to access objects in S3.
    Install the AWS CLI The AWS CLI is available through the pip/pip3 installer:
    If you have administrator privileges type
    pip install awscli $('#copybtn732148596').click(function(){ var $temp = $(""); $(“body”).append($temp); $temp.val($('#732148596').text()).select(); document.execCommand(“copy”); $temp.remove(); var $this = $(this); $(this).fadeOut(200); $(this).delay(2000); $(this).fadeIn(200); }); Otherwise use
    pip install –user awscli $('#copybtn719364258').click(function(){ var $temp = $(""); $(“body”).append($temp); $temp.val($('#719364258').text()).select(); document.execCommand(“copy”); $temp.remove(); var $this = $(this); $(this).fadeOut(200); $(this).delay(2000); $(this).fadeIn(200); }); The project is open source, so you can also download the source at https://github.

  • ACCESS: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services and Support

    The NSF’s ACCESS (Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support) program builds upon the successes of the 11-year XSEDE project, while also expanding the ecosystem with capabilities for new modes of research and further democratizing participation. ACCESS Home:  access-ci.org  access-ci.org/about Allocations Allocations: allocations.access-ci.org Documentation Support: support.access-ci.org Community Engagement ACCESS: support.access-ci.org/affinity-groups Campus Champions: https://campuschampions.cyberinfrastructure.org UVa Research Computing has two Champions, Ed Hall and Katherine Holcomb For more help, please feel free to contact RC staff to set up a consultation or visit us during office hours.
  • XSEDE: Extreme Science and Engineering Development Environment

    XSEDE’s Mission was to substantially enhance the productivity of a growing community of scholars, researchers, and engineers through access to advanced digital services that support open research; and coordinate and add significant value to the leading cyberinfrastructure resources funded by the NSF and other agencies. — The XSEDE project ended on August 31, 2022 and was succeeded by the  ACCESS project.
    XSEDE Home:  www.xsede.org

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    General Do you have a general computing question?
    Read our FAQ› Rivanna and Afton High Performance Computing Platforms
    Read our FAQ › Ivy Secure Data Computing Platform
    Read our FAQ › Storage Research Data Storage & Transfer
    Read our FAQ ›

  • How To

    General General tips and tricks for computational research.
    General HowTos › Rivanna and Afton High Performance Computing platforms
    HPC HowTos › Ivy Secure Data Computing Platform
    Ivy HowTos › Storage Research Data Storage & Transfer
    Storage HowTos ›

  • What is Research Computing?

    UVA Research Computing (RC) is a new program that aims to support computational biomedical research by providing advanced cyberinfrastructure and expertise in data analysis at scale. Our mission is to foster a culture of computational thinking and promote interdisciplinary collaboration in various data-driven research domains. We offer services related to high performance computing, cloud architecture, scientific programming and big data solutions. We also aim to promote computationally intensive research at UVA through collaborative efforts such as UVA’s own CADRE (Computation And Data Resource Exchange) and XSEDE (Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment).
    One of our driving philosophies is that researchers already have medical and scientific expertise, and should not have to become computing experts on top of that.

  • User Guides

    High Performance Computing Standard and high security HPC to run your code, generally written in R, Python or shell scripts.
    Get Started › Secure Computing Secure virtual machines and interactive notebooks for processing HIPAA and other highly sensitive data.
    Get Started › Storage Need large, or extremely large storage offsite or on grounds? Can you count in GB, TB, or PB? Learn more about storage options and pricing.
    Get Started › Cloud Have an idea you’d like to test? Need an environment provisioned in short-order? We can help you build in the AWS cloud.